Теперь я знаю, что поёт Майли Сайрус Позавчера Майли Сайрус в рамках виртуального фестиваля Save Our Stages Fest исполнила кавер на песню Zombie. Комментарии на Youtube в подавляющем большинстве крайне положительные. А как вам Зомби в прочтении Майли Сайрус? PS. Пикантность ситуации добавляет то, что внимательные поклонники прекрасно помнят интервью 2013 года, в котором Долорес вполне недвусмысленно «прошлась» по Майли. Прямая цитата: «You know what it is? Values. You have to give children values. You can't just give them everything they want. Stuff. Stuff. Stuff. Unfortunately, though, it is a little bit hard though to raise children and keep them innocent when you have Miley Cyrus on the Wrecking Ball and then you have Kim Kardashian humping her fella on a motorbike. And this stuff is aired during the day when little kids are looking at it; that grosses me out. I sound like my mammy now but it wasn't that bad when I was young. It is weird that nothing is censored. It was Taylor my son who showed me the Miley Cyrus video on his iphone. It was two Irish guys taking the mick – she's going around in the nip, and then there's a flash of Miley from Glenroe and he goes: 'How's she cuttin?'». https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l81u-oSIAp4

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